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How to Train Your Cat to Behave in Public Places - Cats Galore

How to Train Your Cat to Behave in Public Places

How to Train Your Cat to Behave in Public Places

Cats are often stereotyped as aloof and untrainable, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. With patience, persistence, and positive reinforcement, cats can be trained to behave appropriately in a variety of public settings. 

Whether you want to take your cat to the vet, on a road trip, or to a pet-friendly cafe, training your feline companion to behave well in public can make the experience more enjoyable for both you and your cat.

Start at Home 

Before you start training your cat to behave in public places, it is important to start at home. This means teaching your cat basic commands such as sit, stay, and come. You can use treats as a reward for good behaviour.  This will help your cat understand the concept of positive reinforcement and make training in public places easier.

Once your cat has mastered these basic commands, you can move on to more advanced training. This may include teaching your cat to walk on a leash, stay calm in a carrier, and come when called.

Get Your Cat Used to a Carrier 

Get your cat used to being in a carrier if you intend to take them to public locations. Initially, place the carrier outside of your house and allow your cat to investigate it on its own. Your cat can be left in the carrier for brief amounts of time if they are at ease with it.  

When your cat is comfortable spending time in the carrier for extended amounts of time, gradually increase the time they spend there.

Socialise Your Cat 

It is important for cats to be socialised with other animals and people, especially if you plan on taking them to public places. Start by introducing your cat to friends and family members in a controlled environment. Make sure they are calm and comfortable before moving on to larger groups or unfamiliar settings.

You can also take your cat to outdoor cafes or pet-friendly stores where they can observe other animals and people from a safe distance. Reward them for remaining calm and well-behaved during these outings. 

Use Positive Reinforcement 

Positive reinforcement is an effective training method for cats. This means rewarding your feline friend with the best cat treats for training, or toys and praises for good behaviour. When your cat behaves well in public, be sure to reward them immediately. This will encourage them to continue behaving well in the future. 

Be patient and consistent with your training, as it may take time for your cat to fully adjust to new environments. Remember to always keep the training sessions short and end them on a positive note.

Teach Your Cat to Walk on a Leash 

Teaching your cat to walk on a leash is a great way to train them to behave in public places. Start by getting your cat used to wearing a harness. Once your cat is comfortable wearing the harness, attach a leash and let them explore your home. 

Gradually increase the length of the leash and take your cat outside for short walks. Be patient and consistent with your training, and your cat will eventually learn to walk on a leash.

Provide a Safe Space 

In addition to training your cat to behave in public, it is important to provide them with a safe space where they can retreat if they feel overwhelmed or anxious. This can be a designated room in your home or even just a comfortable carrier that they can hide in.

When taking your cat to public places, always make sure to bring their familiar toys and blankets so they have something familiar and comforting to help them feel safe. This will also help prevent unwanted behaviours such as scratching or marking in new environments.

Consider Your Cat’s Personality 

Not all cats are suited for public places, and it is important to consider your cat’s personality before attempting to train them for public behaviour. Some cats may be too anxious or fearful to handle the stimulation of public places. If this is the case, it may be best to keep your cat at home or limit their exposure to quieter public areas.

Be Patient and Consistent 

Training your cat to behave in public may take time and patience, but consistency is key. Stick to a regular training routine and be patient with your cat as they learn. It’s important not to get frustrated or punish your cat if they make mistakes, as this can set back their progress.

If you are struggling with training your cat on your own, consider enlisting the help of a professional trainer who specialises in feline behaviour. They can provide guidance and support to ensure your cat learns proper public etiquette.


With the right approach, training your cat to behave in public places is possible. Start by teaching your cat basic commands and getting them used to a carrier. Socialise your cat, reward it with the best cat treats for training, and use positive reinforcement to encourage good behaviour. 

Consider teaching your cat to walk on a leash. Be patient and consistent with your training. With time and effort, your cat will become a well-behaved companion in public places. 

Don’t be discouraged if your cat takes longer to learn than expected, each cat learns at their own pace. Keep practising and enjoy taking your well-behaved feline friend with you on all your adventures.

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