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Cat Voices: Quick Cat Care Tips from Loulou - Cats Galore

Cat Voices: Quick Cat Care Tips from Loulou

Hello furry friends! Guess who dropped by to say hi? It’s Loulou, the chatty kitty from France!

We’ve recently caught up with Loulou and her mamie Suzanne, and they shared some quick and easy tips on caring for feline pets, which are perfect for first-time owners! Loulou says:

“I feel strongly, and I feel this about children and adults, that one must speak kindly and attentively to people, and listen to their stories and their fears and their misgivings about being who they are.”

Kitties just are. And they are so, so good at it.

They don’t take any guff from anyone or you are on their hit list. They respond to soft voices, snuggling, and kindness, and it’s better if this starts young, just as it is with kids, because screaming and yelling and trying to make a kitty do what you want is totally useless and embarrassing behaviour. And a kitty can really make you embarrassed about anything it wishes! Kitties keep you in line, and keep you thinking and feeling in ways you might have experienced before.

I think that feral cats are often made that way by humans and I’m sorry for them. And the owners. Bad word, owner. NO cat is owned. Ever. Try not to leave us alone, you who have adopted me or found me or watched me be born, try not to scream at me, teach me something and then give me a little treat. I’ll learn.

Keep calm around me, female, and take your arguments and troubles elsewhere, except when you want just to have me be there to listen. I know when you feel bad, when you are glad, I know these things and I’m not goin’ anywhere if kindness is around me.”

We kitties have all the answers, you have to know how to ask for them.

As a feline with a deep appreciation for the love and care provided by my human companions, I understand the significance of regular health check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive measures. 

Wellness Exams: Nurturing Our Health

Picture this: a cosy trip to the veterinarian’s office, where I receive personalized attention, cuddles, and thorough health assessments. Wellness exams are like a special treat for me – they involve comprehensive physical examinations, dental evaluations, and meaningful discussions about my diet, behaviour, and overall well-being. 

These appointments go beyond just routine check-ups. They serve as proactive measures to detect any potential health concerns early on, ensuring that I can enjoy a long and vibrant life filled with joy and contentment.

Vaccinations and Preventive Care: Shielding Us from Harm

Now, let’s talk about vaccinations and preventive care – the superpowers that shield us from common infectious diseases and pesky parasites. 

Just like superheroes need their capes, we cats need our vaccines and preventive treatments to stay strong and healthy. Whether it’s protection against harmful diseases or measures to control fleas, ticks, and intestinal worms, these proactive steps ensure that we can roam and play freely without worries, basking in the warmth of a safe and comfortable environment.

Geriatric Care: Embracing the Golden Years

As we gracefully age, we require specialised care tailored to our unique needs. Senior wellness plans, including regular screenings, blood tests, and monitoring of vital signs, offer invaluable support as we navigate the golden years of our lives. These thoughtful measures enable us to savour each moment with comfort and dignity, surrounded by the warmth of our human companions who loves us dearly.

Nurturing Responsible Cat Guardianship: Promoting Safety and Well-being

Beyond veterinary care, responsible cat guardianship encompasses a profound commitment to our safety, security, and harmonious coexistence within our communities. 

There are some key considerations that contribute to a fulfilling and enriching life for us felines.

  • Identification and Microchipping: A Lifeline of Security

Accidents happen, and curiosity may lead us to wander beyond our familiar territories. That’s where proper identification, such as a collar with an ID tag and a registered microchip, becomes our lifeline of security. 

These simple yet crucial measures significantly increase the likelihood of reuniting with our human companions if we ever find ourselves lost or disoriented. It’s a comforting thought to know that we can always be found and returned home, safe and sound.

  • Safe Outdoor Exploration: Embracing Nature’s Wonders

Ah, the great outdoors – a captivating realm filled with wonders to explore and adventures to embark upon. For those of us who love outdoor escapades, creating safe and secure environments, such as enclosed outdoor spaces or harness training for supervised outings, allows us to revel in the beauty of nature while remaining shielded from potential hazards. 

It’s all about balancing freedom and safety, ensuring that we can enjoy the outdoors without compromising our well-being.

  • Community Engagement and Education: Understanding and Compassion 

Engaging with our local communities and advocating for responsible cat guardianship fosters a culture of understanding, compassion, and mutual respect. 

Educating our neighbours about the importance of spaying and neutering, encouraging the maintenance of indoor environments for cats, and addressing community cat management, we create a supportive network dedicated to promoting the safety and well-being of all felines. 

Honoring the Feline Spirit: A Testament to Unconditional Love

As I reflect on the remarkable bond we share with our human companions, I am reminded of the profound impact we have on each other’s lives. Our innate wisdom, grace, and resilience inspire empathy, patience, and boundless love. 

Whether you’re an experienced cat owner or considering adopting a cat, remember that kindness and compassion towards them enrich our community and shape a world where cats like me are cherished family members.

As I enjoy your companionship, I’m deeply grateful for your dedication to our health, safety, and happiness.

Purring contentedly,


If you want to know more about Loulou’s thoughts on everything, then visit her blog at http://www.livingwithloulou.com too!

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